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Making Friends in Early Sobriety: Tips

Legacy Healing Center Blog

Learn why making friends in early sobriety is important.

Getting from addiction to early sobriety is a great achievement that you will not want to put into jeopardy. There are specific actions, like making friends in early sobriety, that you need to take to maintain your recovery and be happy too. Developing healthy relationships can make all the difference in progressing forward because they offer support and combat loneliness and depression. Below are some important tips about developing friendships and building relationships during early sobriety:

  1. While your mind and body are still adjusting to life without drugs or alcohol, you may feel anxious, lonely or sad. Transitioning from addiction is a process that takes time, and making the correct choices to succeed. Instead of feeling pressured and serious all the time, you need to give yourself room to have fun and enjoy life. And that involves making friends with people who support your recovery and want you to be a part of their life. Good friendships and a holistic healing approach can give you a happy social life and help to prevent you from relapsing.
  2. Recovering addicts are often uncomfortable and ashamed of feeling lonely, so don’t think that it’s only you. The best way to overcome these feelings is to make an effort to start meeting people and creating new friendships. Being open, honest, and transparent are fundamental principles of recovery that will prove beneficial to you. People value honesty and genuineness, and most will meet you where you are and share their own experiences with you. This is the basis of good, solid friendships where true communication can take place. So instead of hiding behind negative emotions, be brave, happy and enthusiastic about meeting new people and discover how they respond to your openness.
  3. You can begin to make friends by attending Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Aftercare Programs, or Recovery Meetings at your church or synagogue. Sharing your stories with one another breaks the ice and can lead to good friendships that offer mutual support. When you meet-up for coffee before meetings, or having dinner together after meetings, you have the opportunity to fellowship with others. Fellowshipping leads to closer bonds with others, and soon you may find yourself being invited to social or family events. Making friends in early sobriety means you can also invite your new friends out for a fun activity too.
  4. You should take the time to enjoy some of your favorite hobbies and pastimes. Sometimes we think about doing something but never get around to it; well, now is your chance! You can join a gym to work out, take yoga or spin classes, or hire a personal trainer. If music is your thing, you could play an instrument, join a choir, or take dancing lessons.

If you or someone you love needs help with addiction, call (888) 534-2295 today to speak with a treatment specialist.

Arts and crafts are always popular and offer a variety of choices to take classes in:

  • Painting
  • Beadwork
  • Jewelry making
  • Needlepoint
  • Sewing
  • Scrapbooking
  • Floral arrangements
  • Woodworking
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Pottery

If you love to read, you may be interested in starting a book club or other type of meet-up.

Spirituality is another area that many people enjoy delving into. You may want to join a Bible study group or practice meditation. You could also find out what your new friends do for fun and ask if you can join them. Other options are:

  • Swimming
  • Boating
  • Fishing
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding
  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • Bicycling
  • Touring new places
  • Taking a vacation

Making friends in early sobriety can bring you fun, adventure, and companionship, and also help you focus on your sobriety and enjoying your new life. Learn more tips about maintaining sobriety by contacting us today at Legacy Healing Center954-994-2965.


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