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Should I Go to an Addiction Treatment Center During COVID-19?

Legacy Healing Center Blog

The Risks and Benefits of Going to a Behavioral Health Center During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for people worldwide, including those seeking addiction treatment. The direct effects of the Coronavirus remain staggering, but the worsening of mental health and substance abuse disorders have also been significant.

Loneliness, isolation, uncertainty, financial strain, loss of a loved one – these are just a few of the factors making life so challenging at the moment. These additional emotional burdens have led many to turn to alcohol and drugs to cope. These extra challenges can also make it difficult for people already in recovery to stay sober.

If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse right now, you may be wondering:

  • Is it safe to get treatment during a pandemic?
  • What precautions are drug and alcohol treatment centers taking?
  • What about my family members left behind?
  • How can I reenter society safely if the pandemic has not yet been contained?

These are important questions, and the good news is that you don’t have to put off getting treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Top-quality treatment centers like Legacy Healing Center are going to great lengths to keep patients safe while continuing to provide the life-transforming treatment that’s needed more than ever right now.

Social isolation, physical distancing, and lack of human interaction can make dealing with alcohol or drug addiction even more challenging, and putting off treatment could make a bad situation even worse.

Click here to speak with a treatment specialist today or call us anytime 24/7 at (888) 534-2295

The Pandemic and Substance Abuse

Much has been made about the impact of the Coronavirus on public health, and the numbers are truly astounding. What is less well known is how lockdowns, social isolation, and physical distancing have also been making things worse for a large percentage of the population.

Those challenges are incredibly impactful for people suffering from substance use disorder. People who had been ready to go into rehab were suddenly feeling stranded, wondering what to do and if the benefits of getting clean were worth the risk of catching and possibly spreading the virus.

As the pandemic unfolded and lockdowns went into place, the balancing act between public safety and mental health became even more complicated. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a double-edged sword for the recovery community by simultaneously fueling substance abuse and making people feel hesitant to seek treatment.

Benefits of Inpatient Addiction Treatment

Even (perhaps especially) amidst a pandemic, inpatient addiction treatment can be a life-saver. If you have been putting off getting help for yourself or someone you love, it’s important to weigh the potential risk of COVID-19 against the genuine threat of waiting.

In many ways, inpatient drug treatment is actually well suited to life during a pandemic.  In a treatment center that’s following all the CDC guidelines for Coronavirus, inpatient treatment can reduce the risk of catching and passing on the illness. When you enter inpatient drug or alcohol treatment, you will be in one place, and you will be interacting with the same set of people every day. This limited interaction can act as a healthier version of social isolation, one that keeps you safe while also providing genuine connection to a community of like-minded, supportive individuals.

How to Travel to Rehab Safely

Attending an inpatient course of treatment for your alcohol or drug addiction has several significant benefits. Still, the nature of these treatment efforts means you will need to travel to the facility. So how do you travel safely during a global pandemic, and what precautions can you take to protect yourself and the people you are leaving behind back home?

Here are some COVID-19 safety tips to guide you on your journey to recovery:

Travel by car if you can

Traveling by car will expose you to fewer strangers than any other form of travel. Whether you travel on your own or with another driver, you can limit your exposure to the virus.

Take a COVID-19 test before you leave for treatment

Getting tested is an integral part of protecting yourself and others, so schedule a test before you leave for treatment.  Once you arrive at the treatment center you’ll be tested again and continue to be tested on a regular basis to ensure your safety. You may want to get another test just before leaving the treatment center, as this can help protect your loved ones when you get back home.

Research airline requirements

Some airlines are taking COVID-v19 more seriously than others, so buy your ticket with companies requiring masking, seat blocking, testing, and other COVID-19 precautions.

Wear a mask and practice social distancing

Until the vaccine for COVID-19 is widely administered, using a mask and social distancing will remain the best defense methods. Practice these precautions whenever you are in public to protect yourself and others.

Finding the Right Addiction Treatment Program for You

If you are ready to get help with your drug or alcohol addiction, you should not let the COVID-19 crisis stand in your way. Despite the development of multiple vaccines and some highly effective treatments, the Coronavirus is likely to be with us for some time. Despite the challenges, now is the perfect time to get the help you need, and Legacy Healing Center is ready to help you turn your life around.

At Legacy Healing Center, we are closely following all of the CDC’s safety guidelines for residential treatment centers to ensure the safety of all our guests and staff. This process includes:

  • Screening for COVID-19 symptoms
  • Regularly testing patients and staff
  • Sanitizing surfaces
  • Enforcing social distancing
  • Requiring that everyone wear a mask at all times

These practices are designed to protect our patients as they walk the path to recovery. We are proud to have been able to rise to the occasion and continue serving our community during this unprecedented time. If you or a loved one are considering whether or not you should reach out for help during the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage you to contact us today. Your journey to a better tomorrow begins today, and all it takes is a simple phone call. Call 888.534.2295 today.

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