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Detox For Ecstasy Addiction

What Is Ecstasy?

Also known as MDMA, ecstasy is a synthetic psychoactive drug that produces a euphoric high and increased energy. Ecstasy is psychologically addictive, and those who are addicted will experience withdrawal symptoms when they quit the drug completely. Withdrawals are the result of physical dependence, which occurs after long-term use. Our Legacy Healing Center detox for ecstasy can help people who are addicted to the drug safely take the first step toward recovery.

What Causes Withdrawal?

Taking ecstasy increases the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain – specifically those that produce feelings of well-being, pleasure, and euphoria. Ecstasy’s side effects produce the high that users experience when taking MDMA. However, this increase in nerve activity also quickly depletes the brain’s natural supply of chemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine.

After prolonged use, the user’s brain becomes dependent on ecstasy to function and experience these positive side effects. When someone quits taking the drug, they’ll experience MDMA withdrawal symptoms as their brain tries to relearn how to operate properly without it. During detox for ecstasy, users typically experience the opposite of what they felt while high, such as symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as cravings for the drug.

The withdrawal symptoms of ecstasy tend to be primarily psychological, but some users may also experience some physical side effects. The symptoms and duration of MDMA detox vary by person. Some factors that affect the ecstasy withdrawal timeline also include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Genetics
  • How long the person has been using the drug
  • Metabolism and overall health
  • The dose of the drug the person would use
  • The frequency of drug use
  • Tolerance

Polysubstance abuse – which is the use of multiple drugs – can also lead to a more intense and complicated withdrawal, as well as the existence of any co-occurring mental health disorders. Our Legacy Healing Center detox for ecstasy can help all people with this drug use disorder safely get through withdrawals.

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