Stephanie Guerra

Television Shows About Addiction

For years, the media has been saturated with images of beautifully tragic partygoers drinking their troubles away. Whether it is a dependency on alcohol, prescription medications, or illicit drugs, many characters we have come to know and love have served as vessels for cautionary tales and challenging lessons. Recent years have seen a rise in Television Shows About Addiction

Mental Health Stigma in Males

While our understanding of mental illness has improved over the years, for many, there is still a wide amount of misinformation surrounding it. This is especially true in the case of men’s mental wellness. These conditions do not see gender, but that sadly does little to detract from the fact that many males experience roadblocks Mental Health Stigma in Males

Is Alcohol Considered a Drug?

Alcohol is classified as a depressant substance responsible for slowing the functions of the user’s central nervous system. This means that, yes, alcohol is considered a drug. While the dangers of excessive drinking are relatively well-known, alcohol’s classification often gets pushed aside as a result of its popularity and legal status. This sadly leads many Is Alcohol Considered a Drug?

The Relationship Between Loneliness and Addiction

Loneliness can be a powerful and overwhelming emotion that affects people from all walks of life. Unfortunately, this feeling often leads to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse. At Legacy Healing Center, we understand the deep connection between loneliness and addiction and the challenges it presents during recovery. Our team is here to provide compassionate The Relationship Between Loneliness and Addiction

The 3 Types of Trauma

Experiencing a traumatic event is often something that isn’t easily forgotten. There are many cases where people literally repress memories of the event, sometimes without even realizing it. Even in these scenarios, the effects of the event are likely to be experienced though they can look completely different from person to person, depending on the The 3 Types of Trauma

Convictions Made in Newark Drive-Through Drug Ring Case

Back in 2018, four men were busted in Newark, NJ, for trafficking heroin to motorists who were exiting a nearby highway. This bizarre setup prompted an eight-month investigation referred to as “Operation Drive-Through”.1 Those accused of operating this drug ring were responsible for bringing a large amount of the deadly substance heroin to a residential Convictions Made in Newark Drive-Through Drug Ring Case

Why Does Alcohol Dehydrate You?

What is the first piece of advice you heard when you started drinking alcohol? For many of us, it was the recommendation to drink water. This is based on the underlying belief that alcohol causes dehydration. Here at Legacy Healing Center in Pompano, FL, we want you to understand why does alcohol dehydrate you. Alcohol Why Does Alcohol Dehydrate You?