Stephanie Guerra

Signs of Adderall Addiction and Treatment Options

Adderall is one of the most commonly prescribed and effective medications for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, Adderall is also a powerful and highly addictive stimulant that is frequently misused. Adderall addiction is a very serious disease with very serious consequences if left untreated. Luckily, there are a number of warning Signs of Adderall Addiction and Treatment Options

Signs of Meth Use

Methamphetamine, more commonly known as meth, is one of the most addictive drugs in the world. It’s estimated that 2.7 million Americans over the age of 12 use meth each year. Not only can meth ruin a person’s life, but it can also be fatal, which is why it’s so important to be able to Signs of Meth Use

Paxil Withdrawal: Symptoms and How to Manage It

Paxil is the brand name of paroxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant. Paroxetine is prescribed for a wide variety of conditions, including major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Although Paxil is an incredibly useful medication, the drug does carry Paxil Withdrawal: Symptoms and How to Manage It

Ibogaine Treatment for Opioid Addiction: Answers from an Expert

Ibogaine is a psychoactive substance derived from the root bark of the iboga plant of Central Africa. Ibogaine is currently being intensively studied because of its potential use as medication to treat opioid addiction. Early research has shown some positive results. However, ibogaine is listed as a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States Ibogaine Treatment for Opioid Addiction: Answers from an Expert

Understanding Binge Drinking Disorder: What It Is, Effects, and Treatment

Binge drinking disorder is a serious and dangerous condition. Not only is binge drinking disorder potentially fatal, but it is also one of the leading contributors to the development of alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD) or alcohol addiction. Luckily, binge drinking disorder can be effectively treated before it causes death or addiction. Understanding Binge Drinking Disorder: What It Is, Effects, and Treatment