Keys to Drug Treatment Success Rates
Legacy Healing Center Blog
Successful drug treatment programs encompass many treatment options.
Drug treatment success rates relate directly to the programs that individuals are enrolled in. The programs related to these drug rehab success rates all have a few things in common and are why they are considered to be so successful.
If you or someone that is close to you is struggling with an addiction, it’s important to conduct research about treatment facilities near you to check their success rates, philosophy and to make sure that it’s the right place for you.
Here’s what you need to know about drug treatment success rates and how effective it is for rehab and recovery.
Drug Rehab Success Rates
How effective is rehab? It all depends on the treatment center, the individual and if they’re a good fit.
The main keys to drug treatment success rates have to do with: Individualized treatment, family involvement, treatment of underlying disorders, philosophy of the center and follow up care after treatment.
We will break down each of these keys in order to understand how drug treatment success rates can play a role in sobriety and rehabilitation.
Individualized Treatment
The most common type of treatment received, and that you want to get, is individualized treatment. This wasn’t always the case, with many treatment facilities providing the same type of treatment no matter the age, race or sex.
What treatment centers and doctors have realized is that no one individual is alike and the same thing can be said for their treatment. Individualized treatment is one of the keys to drug rehab success rates because of how they are able to combat each individual person’s story.
This type of treatment means that the individual is given a personalized treatment plan taking into consideration their addiction, physical health, age, history of drug use, family background, and other previous medical histories.
All of these things must be taken into account in order to successfully help the individual in the treatment facility.
Treatment of Underlying Disorders
Addiction often comes with other underlying disorders, such as mental illnesses. It’s important in the road to recovery that individuals are treated for all illnesses that they are suffering from.
Many times underlying disorders or conditions can be hidden by substance abuse and therefore go undiagnosed. The treatment of underlying disorders can be treated simultaneously and can even help the outcome of the individual.
This is another reason why getting help in a treatment center is recommended because being under the care of a doctor, and evaluated by a doctor can greatly influence drug treatment success rates.
Family Involvement
You want to find a treatment center that encourages the support of the family. An addict alone is a dangerous situation and without the support and participation of family members, drug treatment success rates drop.
It’s also important for families to work together to not only receive education but also counseling to help in the success of the individual once they leave rehabilitation.
Family involvement can also help address how the family plays a role in addictive behavior, how the addiction has impacted family life and how to create a safe, sober living environment.
Philosophy & Follow Up Care
There are many different approaches to treatment but a holistic philosophy takes into consideration the patient as a whole and how to create the best plan for recovery. A holistic philosophy can even include art and experiential therapy as well as 12-step meetings.
Finally, follow up care is extremely important in the success of a treatment center because although someone may be healthy, they need to follow through with what they’ve learned and to stay on top of their health. Follow up care focuses on relapse prevention, assistance with transitioning back home, life skills and counseling services.
When choosing a treatment facility it’s important that it checks all the boxes for both the family and the individual working toward a unified goal.
You can learn more tips on how to get someone into rehab, or just find out more about the detox and rehab process by visiting Legacy Healing Center. Call us today at 888-597-3547.