Jessica Danner

Business Development
Jessica was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Wright State University in 2021 obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Outside of work, Jessica is the President of a local Non-Profit Organization which aids in stigma reduction, advocacy, and education for those affected by addiction. In addition, she organizes and hosts some of the largest recovery events in the Dayton area and prides herself on bringing organizations from across the state together for the same goal – to change as many lives as possible. Her passion for this field comes from her own personal journey of addiction & recovery. She says, “The story of my addiction is no different than anyone else’s. I lost my self-worth, my identity, hope, and desire to live. When I truly surrendered and accepted the suggestions that were given to me, I gained my life back.” Jessica’s recovery was the catalyst for her career today, “I have had the honor to work with and meet some amazing people who have guided the trajectory of my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and values. My hope as an employee of Legacy is to aid in every client’s transformation, to be an asset and resource in their recovery, and to help instill hope back into the lives of every client we encounter”
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If you would like to get in touch with us or simply have any questions or comments, please call us today. Our helpline is 100% confidential.